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Hi, I'm Amy and welcome to my blog!

Fashion has always been something which has inspired me and driven me to be myself. I'm not one for following the crowd, and I often prefer to stand out rather than fade into the background, and for me that is something which fashion has offered me to achieve.


I'm 20 years old and currently studying Psychology at university, and it is my dream to be able to combine my admiration for fashion and psychology in order to research knew topical ideas of knowledge. However, with living on a student budget, it can be quite difficult to achieve the style I want to sometimes. 


My aim for this blog is to be able to offer budget saving alternatives for aspiring, fashion-forward students who need to save some money. Everyone deserves to feel amazing, no matter how much the outfit costs. Follow me on this journey of fashion and life, I can guarantee it will be worth the ride. 

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