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My Current Ring Collection.

When it comes to someone's own personal sense of style, sometimes what can make it so simply iconic is the accessories. Head pieces, jewelry or even something as simple as socks, can make the world of difference to an outfit. For myself, I have always been quite lazy when it comes to this sort of thing: as long as I can wear the piece/pieces daily so that they go with every outfit I put together, I was sorted. In my younger teenage years, this consisted of bracelets and necklaces, however as I have become older, a different love - some may call obsession - has entered my life. Rings.

To say the least, I have quite the collection of silver rings that I have accumulated over the years, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon! So with this in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to enlighten you all on my current go-to rings which I am wearing almost everyday.

These first set of rings are the two I wear on my left hand, on my middle and fore-fingers. The first one I will talk about is the one sitting on top, which when I first saw, I thought was the most adorable looking ring I had ever laid my eyes on.

It reminds me of a cat with it's ears and the shapely eyes it has detailed on, and if anyone knows me, they'll know I am completely cat obsessed! So this ring is the perfect one for me, and sits nicely on my middle finger.

It is just a plain silver band and I picked it up from an independent shop based in Affleck's Palace in Manchester, called Abacus. I adore going to this shop whenever I go into Manchester and picking up a new ring, and you'll see from this post that majority of the rings I own are from this shop.

They're reasonably priced, depending on the type of ring you're looking for. Off the top of my head, I think this one was approximately £12 - £15 with it being plain silver. It's pleasing to have a plain ring to add a little something extra to an outfit, without trying very hard at all.

The second ring in this picture is the one I wear on my left fore-finger, so it sits next to the cat ring. This has to possibly be one of my favourite rings I own and one which gets the most compliments when I'm wearing all of my rings together. The colour is absolutely stunning, with it being a turquoise, almost deep green colour. These colours always attract me as they remind me of Greece and the ocean - a.k.a. all of my favourite things. The detail surrounding the stone is also beautiful, with it being plain silver and having a leaf and beaded design to encompass the stone. If you're wearing a relatively plain outfit without much colour, to then introduce a ring with a bright stone like this one it in would complete any outfit effortlessly.

I got this one at a different shop from where I usually get my rings from, but I eventually found out that they had the same retailer for the rings as Abacus, so I; in theory; got them from the same place. This one was slightly pricier with it being such a large stone, on average I would say it cost me about £16 - £20.

Then moving onto the rings I wear on my right hand. On my fore-finger, I wear my sun and moon design ring. The sun and moon have been images and ideas that have always meant a lot to me, as the meanings behind them fascinate me and the symbolism inspires me. So naturally when I saw this ring, I was completely drawn to it straight away.

Around the outsides of the ring is an almost Celtic design, which at the time when I was purchasing the ring, matched another Celtic ring I own which I bought in North Wales a few years ago. With Wales being such a massive part of my childhood, this ring I thought was suiting for that very reason. I picked it up, again, in Abacus in Affleck's Palace.

On my middle finger, I then wear my moon stone ring. This ring is one of my oldest, yet most treasured. The stone in it is called "moon stone" due to the stone changing colour ever so slightly when it catches the light, which you can see in this picture, as it has a purple hue to it. This makes it a perfect stoned ring to wear with any outfit, with it not having one set, particular colour. The entire design of the ring is super intricate, and the spiraled effect surrounding the stone reminds me of the ones you find with Pandora's iconic birthstone rings (for a fraction of the price, of course). The detail of the ring is something which a lot of people notice and comment on when I wear this ring, and to say I payed approximately £15 for it, I think is amazing.

The final ring is the one I wear on my right ring finger, and is one that my best friend Emily bought me for Christmas last year and has my birthstone in it. It is a really simple silver ring, but with the stone in it it adds that extra bit of colour to the set of rings together. I think she picked it up on ASOS and she also has a matching one with her birthstone in it, making it really meaningful and reminds me of her whenever I wear it.

So that is my current ring collection that I wear nearly everyday. I hope you found this interesting with it being slightly different from the normal content I post on here! I have some more posts lined up for the next couple of weeks, so keep your eyes peeled for them!

But for now, lots of love,

Amy x

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