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Life Update - New Diet, University & Mental Health.

The last time I updated you all on things was when I spoke about my depression, and with that being some time ago now I thought it would be best to post an update on how things are now going, as some changes have occurred. I'm thinking of possibly making this a regular post, as not only does it do me some good to get things off of my chest, but some people might benefit from what I have to say as well. Let me know what you guys think.

New Diet

I have always had problematic skin, with it ranging from being generally very dry, to me experiencing chronic eczema. Over the Summer was when I experienced it at it's worse, and was something which also contributed to my depression which I spoke about in my last life update post. I went on a steroid treatment in total three times to try and control it; which it would; but when I eventually came off the medication: it would go back to it's old painful, confidence destroying ways. So the only other option realistically was to go on a long term form of treatment, whereby I take medication for approximately two years, with the hopes that by the end of it the eczema will have calmed down and potentially be gone.

Along with this positive change, I went to see a clinic which takes into account intolerance's that could contribute to my skin flaring up, which I would often experience after I had eaten certain foods. Whilst being there, they ran some tests and came to the conclusion that I was intolerant to various different foods, some I had absolutely no idea about: pork, beef, broccoli, raisins etc. But the main intolerance I have is that I am gluten and wheat intolerant; so unlike the other foods that I can I slowly introduce back into my diet after being off them for about 6 weeks; wheat and gluten are things I need to cut out long term.

To make things easier for myself, the clinic and I decided it's best I go on what is known as a "plant based diet". This is in order to detoxify my body from any unhealthy fats and sugars, something which sounded super terrifying to me at the beginning as I am a complete sugar addict! But, 3 weeks into the diet, and I am feeling healthier, happier and best of all: my skin is feeling better!

Even though the clinic said that after 6 weeks I can gradually re-introduce things to my diet, I think that when it comes to it, I may just stick to the diet as much as I possibly again. Because not only is my skin feeling better, but I am feeling brighter mentally and physically. Obviously I will have my treats every now and again, but generally, plant based diet seems to be serving me well.

If anyone is at the beginning of a plant based diet and is struggling to think of recipes for food to make etc, let me know and I can write a blog post on the yummy meals I have discovered whilst being on this diet.


A couple of weeks back I moved back to Chester in order to complete my third and final year of my undergraduate degree in Psychology. Over the Summer, even with my mental health being as bad as it was, going back to uni was something that I always knew I had to do. It was always the aim, that if I could get better enough to go back to university, then I was on the right track of recovery. I had my doubts numerous amounts of times, but I am literally bursting with pride for myself that I have managed to conquer everything and move back.

Unsurprisingly, I am generally always that bit happier when I am at uni. I am with my best friends, studying a subject I love and all whilst being able to live independently. I also have an incredibly busy year coming up, with it being my final year, that means dissertation work which I am actually quite looking forward to - I am a mega nerd, I know. I am also going to be the president of the Psychology Society for the year, something I never imagined would happen in my wildest dreams! And finally, I am also hoping to continue being a part of the cheer-leading pom team for the university, which means dancing, training and competing throughout the year. Busy, busy, busy!

I am seriously looking forward to all of it though, and I will be sure to keep you all updated on my experiences as the year progresses.

Mental Health

The last time I checked up with you all on this subject, I was in an incredibly dark place and wasn't sure I would ever come out of it. I can now say, wholeheartedly to anyone going through depression or anxiety or any form of mental illness, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

If you asked me a month ago if I was going to do half of the things I have done in these past couple of weeks, I probably would have broken down and completely rejected the idea. I think this concept hit me just the other day, I was at the societies fair at uni for the Psychology Society, in a hall packed full of hundreds of people, and I had managed to speak to approximately 70% in the space of 3 hours. Compare this to myself a month ago, where I was struggling to speak to anyone, or even leaving my room for that matter, the change is tremendous.

Once again, all I feel is pride for myself. There are days when I feel lower than others, however with feeling at my lowest for approximately 3-4 months straight, I have learned what makes me feel better in situations where I feel low or uncomfortable. Small things, like lighting a candle, or putting my favourite hoody on, or even drinking a herbal tea. I have also learned to cut myself some slack: not everyday is going to be productive, but tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start.

That's all I really have to update you all on! I promise I will be back on the outfit posts soon, as you can tell everything has been slightly hectic at the minute. But until then, here's to positive health; mentally and physically, and to loving every piece of our imperfect selves.

Lot's of love,

Amy xoxo

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