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My Uni Bedroom, 2017-2018.

My third and potentially final year of university has commenced. So far I have felt a mix of nerves, excitement and pride that I have managed to make it this far on one of the most challenging degrees you can do. One of the secrets to coping well at university is to feel comfortable where you are living; hence why last year was such a struggle for myself. It was the first year my friends and I had rented a house out, and it was awful. The house was constantly damp and had mold growing up the walls in my bedroom. It was cold majority of the time due to us having to pay for gas and electricity separately from our rent, and to top it all off I was living with a psycho. So as you can probably imagine, it wasn't the most comfortable year for myself - so much so I would purposefully spend most of my days in the library to escape the hell that was the house. This year however, could not be further from that.

I am living in a much cozier house with the same people - bar the psycho - and also my best friend, Nicole. The bills are all included in the rent, and our landlord actually looks after us and the house! So to celebrate the fact that I am actually content with where I am living this year, I thought I would show you some of my favourite aspects of uni room, because I'm not gonna like, it's really freakin' cute.

The standard layout of my room is the bed being in the middle of room up against the wall, and everything else being on the wall opposite, starting off with my wardrobes. Now, with being a fashion blogger and enthusiast comes a lot of clothes, so storage is an important thing for me and was something that drew me to this room. As you can tell by the picture, I have a huge double wardrobe which has hanging space; shelf space and floor space for my shoes. This wardrobe is so big that I have room left over, and I have a lot of clothes! I even managed to fit my jackets and coats in there as well, which is a curse and blessing as it gives me more of an excuse to buy new clothes (thank god for student loan).

Then above the wardrobe is more cupboard space which has to shelves built into it. I can't put too much up there considering I can't actually reach that high lol, but I've managed to fit my mini suitcase in there, along with some other bits that I don't need on a daily basis.

Moving along to the right hand side of my wardrobe is my little shelf of dreams. This potentially is my favourite section of my room, and where I spend a lot of my time. This space is where I keep; from left to right; my moisturiser and hair creams, contact lenses, make-up and make-up brushes and extra storage for my lipsticks. It is basically my go to area for all my cosmetics with them all being in one convenient place. When moving into the room, mum and I thought this would be a perfect place to also do my make-up, so we put up my princess, rose petal mirror which we picked up from an antique shop for my room last year, and then this new sparkly mirror which we found in B&M Bargains.

I also love how my make-up bag and make-up brush holder kind of matches, as it is little touches like this which really tie a room together I think. The make-up bag is from New Look and the holder for all my brushes is from Primark. The clear container for my lipsticks is also from Primark, and I think makes any make-up area look neater and classier. This area of my room keeps me really calm and allows me to get ready in peace in the mornings, something which is essential for me to have positive vibes for the day. So this has made me actually enjoy getting ready in the morning and doing my make-up a lot more fun!

Moving along further to the right of my room is my desk area, another section which I have completely fallen in love with. I wanted my desk this year to be the part of my room that would keep me sane, by having my deadlines; weekly schedule and files all in one place. I am extremely anal when it comes to organisation and my work, which makes up for my lack of organisation in other parts of my life. So with this is mind, I adore the fact I can sit down at my desk, and have everything I need to know right there in front of me. Along with cute little touches such as my pictures; cards and nick-nacks, is it any wonder I actually enjoy sitting at my desk and doing work?!

My most treasured item on this desk; which is going to make me come across as such a nerd right now; is my weekly planner. This thing has been a lifesaver. I picked it up in Primark over the Summer, thinking that it would help me stay on plan for my hectic third year, and already it has helped me keep on top of things. I like the fact I know what I have planned for each day without having to flick through my diary, and would be something I would definitely recommend to anyone wanting to be more organised.

The final section of room that I had to absolutely include, was of course: my bed. In previous years of university, I have had an incredibly narrow single bed in first year, and last year an always slightly damp three quarter bed. So to have a three quarter bed that is warm, cosy and that is capable of having fairy lights around it: I'm not sure what more I could actually ask for. Sure, the mattress could be a bit thicker, but after the hell of last year I am not complaining!

This duvet I have had for a couple for years and originally had just kept at home, but decided to bring to uni with me this year to warm up the room a bit, with having cold coloured white and grey walls. The cushions, again are from Primark as their home wear section is basically home to me. Finally, the fairy lights hanging off the headboard are from Wilkinson's and just add a really cute touch to the room, and also make for some relaxing lighting in the evenings.

So those are my favourite aspects of my uni room this year! There are some other sections like my bed side table and a part where I have my little set of drawers and full length mirror, but they're not as aesthetically pleasing as the rest of room so I didn't include it lol.

I hope you enjoyed this different blog post and if I add anything new to my room, I'll make sure to try and keep you all updated. But for now, I hope life is treating you all well and I will speak again soon.

Lot's of love,

Amy xoxo

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