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My Favourite Autumn Accessories.

I have recently been making the most of my student loan coming in and spending money that I definitely shouldn't be. But what is a girl to do when she has money to spend and trends to keep up with? Not to mention that I live literally, a 10 minute walk away from the city shopping center and have countless apps on my phone for different online shops. I'm not really helping myself there, am I? Anyway, I am seeing it as a positive things, as it means I am able to bring this blog post to you lovely lot today. So here is what I have spending my money on this past month, I hope you enjoy!

This first piece is something I have been looking for for the past couple of months I would say. I have definitely been behind on the trend when it comes to wearing red as a statement piece. Which is surprising considering that warm tones such as red really suit my skin tone and complexion. Any how, I personally believe by me purchasing this item, I have officially redeemed myself.

This bag is a dream. An actual dream. It is perfect for someone like myself, who tends to take about half of her room, about 10 snacks for the day and unnecessary items out with her on a daily basis. I can just throw stuff in, and it's like a Mary Poppins bag, it never seems to get full (which is a blessing and a curse, because it just encourages me to take more useless crap out with me). It is from ASOS and I think at the time they were doing a 10/20% off for students, so that was definitely my incentive for purchasing it at the time! ASOS are really good for buying branded items on a budget though, especially if you're a student - download the UNIDays app to get the best discounts.

It's really simple in it's design, by just having two strappy handles to keep it on your shoulder, and it has no compartments on the inside; which some people hate but it doesn't bother me too much. The only compartment it does have is the one on the front which is embellished with this gorgeously simple gold 'V' shape, which I believe adds a touch of class to the bag and makes it look a lot more expensive than what it was.

Despite it not having an compartments, the bag does come with this wallet which you can attach by a clip from the inside of the bag. This I think is genius, because you could definitely get away with using the wallet as an almost clutch bag for the evening and no one would bat an eyelid, so essentially, you're getting two bags for the price of one. When I am using the bag, I tend to keep an personal items in there that I don't want people to have easy access to, so it definitely makes up for the fact that the bag doesn't have any inside compartments.

My next accessory which I have been loving is my silver and gold watch from New Look. I am a sucker for a really pretty watch, and I always find myself feeling slightly lost when I don't have one on. This is my second one this past year I have picked up from New Look because they are so affordable, yet look so pretty and sophisticated when you have them on.

I myself am definitely more of a silver girl than a gold, so usually I would naturally tend to be drawn to more of a silver watch than a gold one. However, with me wearing a lot more warmer colours, I thought I would mix it up this time around and go for one with a bit of gold in it, but still the silver so it matches my other jewelry I wear on a daily basis.

It's perfect because the gold is quite subtle on it, yet it compliments my jewelry and the clothes I often find myself wearing really well. I find that when I wear pinks, the gold compliments it really well. So if you're in the market for a new watch, head over to New Look and I am sure you won't be disappointed!

The third accessory for this Autumn, undoubtedly, has to be my new Converse. These have been my most recent purchase, as I was walking through town, running some errands, I walked past Schuh to see they had a sign up in their window saying that students get 20% off everything. How am I supposed to walk away from that?! So I went in, intending to have a browse, and I came across this pair of Converse in the sale, and it turns out that the 20% comes off of sale items as well. Needless to say from that point onward there was no turning back.

What drew me to these trainers I think was the colour of them. As much as I adore my warm, bright colours at the minute, there is no denying that when I see something pastel and pink that I am going to be enticed. They are just the traditional canvas fabric, but rather than having the logo on the inside be the traditional colours, they are completely covered in this gorgeous pink colour, but still keeping the classic white sole.

I am an absolute nerd when it comes to Converse. They are by far my favourite type of shoe. I love how comfy they are, how versatile they can be and just how effortlessly cool you can look in them. I believe that everyone needs at least one pair of Converse in their wardrobe, and if you search hard enough, you can find them at a really good price like I did here. All in all, with my discount, these came to £27. I know. I'll let that sink in for a minute.

How was I to turn them down?! I was already picturing the outfits I was going to pair them with when I was trying them on. So when she told me the price there was literally no two ways about it. These are the perfect shoes to be wearing during the autumn months if your aren't too keen on wearing bright colours like the reds and oranges floating about at the minute. They're subtle enough that you can wear them with pretty much any outfit, but still stand out enough to catch people's eyes. I am definitely going to be getting a lot of wear out of these!

Next up is an accessory which I think will be staying in my wardrobe for much longer than just these Autumn months; and that is hoop earrings. Now, I always see memes on Twitter about hoop earrings and people making them into a joke etc. But I'm not even remotely exaggerating when I say that when I wear a pair of hoop earrings, my confidence levels go from about a 60 to an 80. It's like they produce some form of hidden sass from within me that has been asleep for some time before. I don't know what it is, but they are fab and make me feel great so I am not complaining!

I myself have actually been wearing hoop earring for quite a few years before this trend actually came about - not meaning to sound like one of those "I liked them before they were even a thing" people but that's what I am kind of getting at here sorry not sorry - but since the trend became popular, the amount of choice in hoop earrings has become incredible.

I picked up this set of new ones from New Look, and I chose these ones because I liked the fact they had a silver, gold and rose gold pair in them. As I was saying before with the watch, I generally tend to go for more silver jewelry, especially with earrings because I think they stand out more against my dark hair. However, I do sometimes prefer wearing gold hoops in case they match my outfit more, and I have never actually worn anything rose gold in my ears before, so they will be interesting to try as well!

Hoop earring are a really simple way to stay on trend without breaking the bank and New Look are great for their choice in accessories. They had a wall full of hoop earrings when I was last in my local one and I nearly died. So yes, hoop earrings are definite go to in order to stay on trend this Autumn and potentially for months to follow.

My last favourite accessory for Autumn is this cute little bag I found on Missguided. This item I managed to find by complete pot luck and I don't think it actually exists anymore unfortunately! I just happened to be scrolling through on their app and came across it in the sale at 50%, and knew that I had to get it immediately.

The general purpose of the bag is that you can wear it 3 ways by it having 3 different covers you can put on it. This baffled me at first but my logic was that I was buying 3 bags for the price of one, so why not go for it?! The way it works is that the covers each have a zip on the end which attaches to the back of the body of the bag, making it look different each time. Ingenues.

I thought this would be perfect to wear either during the day time or the evening, making it super versatile. Also I have nothing like this in my wardrobe as all of my bags are bigger, making this perfect to use as just a little day bag. Cross over bags are also super in right now, so if you're caught rocking one of these, you're definitely going to turn some heads!

The covers on it are something I have never gone for before, however with the colours being quite muted, I thought they would be perfect to wear with most of my outfits. They do however still make a statement with the patterns on them and can also add some interesting textures to an outfit. Overall, super happy with this purchase and I can't wait to work it into some of my outfits!

So those are my favourite accessories for Autumn! I hope you enjoyed this post and found it interesting, and I shall speak again soon.

Lot's of love,

Amy xoxo

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